With Springtime upon us we can look forward to longer daylight hours and the sweet smell of the bluebells in the woodlands – my favourite time of year!
Last year I wasn’t able to invite any of you for a photo-shoot in the woodlands because of the lockdown restrictions – the first time in over 15 years and I really missed it!
This April, with the easing of lockdown I‘m looking forward to venturing out with you and your family to capture some treasured moments with loved ones – especially if reuniting with grandparents and celebrating missed occasions due to the pandemic.
Connecting with Mother Nature on a regular basis is proven to boost your mood, I know it does for me. We are so lucky to have such amazing outdoor spaces to enjoy on our doorstep.
To find out more about an exclusive bluebell photo-shoot this Springtime do get in touch via the link below or call me on 01883 722282 – they are usually at their best at the end of April beginning of May – it varies each year – I’m keeping a close watch!
Below are a few images from years gone by to enjoy. Do you recognise anyone you know or would you like to return for an update?
Find out more about a shoot amongst the bluebells here.
Simply email me here and I’ll get back to you.

I look forward to seeing you again, it’s been a long time!